Monday, March 11, 2013

Zephaniah 3:17

He will take great delight in you Jax. The Lord will rejoice over me Jax with His song and He will quiet me Jax with His love. --Zeph. 3:17

It's amazing to think that an all powerful God would take delight in me. Just as I delight in my own children and speak praise over them so does our Heavenly Father speak praise over us.

I found such joy the other night in the routine task of giving Jax a bath. We played in the water for a bit after his bath and he LOVED it! I pushed him around on his bath pillow letting the water flow all around him. He had a huge smile that lit up his whole face. When it was time to get out, Jax let me know right away he was not happy. His frustration and discontent made me smile because I was so delighted that he was being vocal about something. He kept making all kinds of squeals and yells. I knew then that he liked something and was mad when I took it away. Little things like this bring joy in the dark hours of the day. Even though I knew he was frustrated I delighted in the fact that he was showing emotion.